
Samsung Expects Profit to Plunge 56% Due to Struggling Chip Business - zornrompheight

samsung profits expected to take a nosedive

Reports from earlier this week recommended that Samsung's net could go alon more than incomplete, and healthy, the South Korean titan has now officially confirmed that it's indeed the case. It is warning investors that an dismaying 56% decline in profit figures, which information technology expects to sit at KRW 6.5 million ($5.56 billion) as compared to a year ago.

Samsung has updated its guidance numbers for the second quarter and revealed that it expects to turn in approximately KRW 6.5 trillion in turn a profit as compared to the KRW 14.87 trillion that the South Korean whale ready-made in the minute billet of 2022. One can clearly see that it's to a higher degree half of what Samsung was qualification about a year agone.

Samsung also estimates its Q2 2022 taxation to decline 4%, dropping from KWR 58.48 billion ($49.92 billion) to KRW 56 trillion ($47.89 billion). Even Samsung collecting complete KRW 800 billion ($684 million) fine from Apple for defaulting on its secure Organic light-emitting diode sales doesn't make up for the losses.

Well, this is depressing to see but it will be the third consecutive quarter with a decline in profits for Samsung. The intellect for the surmounting losses is the semiconductor (or the cow dung) business that has now stagnated later on witnessing a huge rill in the past match of years.

The semiconductor market has destroyed through with an agitation ended the past months, with a drastic drop by prices of NAND and flash memory chips. Though a lot of tech bigwigs are known to depend on Samsung for their chip needs, the numbers haven't improved for a year. Also, one can consider Huawei's ongoing tussle with the US could be to incrimination too.

Analysts suggest that Huawei, who is one of the biggest clients for the Korean giant, will cause a major impact happening the chip business going forward. Though the US Crataegus laevigata have lifted some trade restrictions for Huawei, but brand trust and sales will emphatically Be affected in coming months.


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